Sunday, September 23, 2007

Response to two articles.

EverQuest: 77th Richest Country / The Blogs of War

I already know lots of online games though I am not a player. In Korea there are many online game players, and there are some problems between ‘virtual reality’ and ‘real reality.’ After I read this article, I searched “Virtual Realit” on online. I could find a game named “second life.” It is also an online game, but very different from others. According to my researching, there is no story in Second Life. Players can use anything as their avatars. In other words, the society in this game seems like real community. And in this game, there is virtual dollar named linden dollar. One real dollar is about 250 linden dollars. So, players can buy their estate or start their business using linden dollars. As the title of this game ‘second life’, players can build their second life. Second life is real ‘virtual reality.’ As this game is growing, some problems are growing as well. There are relations between real economic actions and virtual ones in the game. But it is hard to control virtual things in Internet. There are no specific rules between virtual economy and real one and it is invisible what rules we need. In my opinion, the biggest problem is that these are occurrences that are happened through Internet. Nobody can control Internet actions by now. As we can know through ‘The Blogs of War’ article, Internet information is very hard to control. And does this control is really necessary? If the answer is yes, then we have a major challenge: how can we achieve it? What is the right policy when it comes to Internet?

Internet is another big world. Everyone involves it. But the growing direction of Internet is equivocal. And Internet world and real world are very different things. Finally, can real reality control virtual reality?

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