Monday, November 26, 2007

The process of an audio piece - Tell me your secret!

I worked on an audio assignment with Kristin. Initially, we wanted to make an audio piece with some sounds of the way going to school. So each of us tried to collect sounds such as sounds from footstep , wind, people's voices, treffic sounds and so on. To get some sound, I used a shot gun microphone and a regular one which is built in M audio but it was really hard to get good quality sounds from outside. So we decided to collect sounds inside, especially at ITP, to get good quality ones. Because Kristin works at ER, we could get specific sounds from empty ITP. We got a lot of sounds from doors, keyboards, floors, a tea pot etc. so it took much time to check the sounds and try to recognize which sounds are from where. As recognizing the source sounds, we had fun to guess what sound comes from where. So we changed our plan and decided to make a quiz with sounds! We were so excited about our new idea but we thought sounds from empty ITP were boring as sources for the quiz. Trying to look for interesting sources for the quiz we decided to record the voices from ITP students. Whoes voice is it? We thought this question could the most interesting question for classmate. So, we started recording ITP people's voice about answering our request; tell us your secret. We took people to the quit room and used a shot gun microphone to get a clear voice. On this process, someone did not want to record his secret and someone gave us a very interesting answer so we had a lot of fun. After getting various sounds, we started editing them but it did not take long time because we recorded their voice in the same environment. Using audacity program, we put all voices on the program and cut some noises and some sounds that were recorded unintentionally. Actually, we did not need any sound effects, because indeed voices from people were really interesting by themselves. Finally we played our audio piece in the class and it was a great contest! Chris got a best grade with13 answers among 16 questions.

Actually it was the first time for me working on the sound itself. Before this work, I was not interested in the sound so I was worried about this assignment little bit. But working on an audio, I learned a lot how to record, how to use recoder and how to edit sounds.

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